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Wiping Out Graffiti

May 17th, 2011 | by admin admin | in Security Advice |    1   comments

Supporters argue graffiti is public art, but to most homeowners and businesses, it’s simply vandalism. Tags sprayed across your walls make your property appear neglected and unsafe. Customers go elsewhere. Vandalism and other crimes go up in your neighbourhood. To fight this growing problem, most municipalities have enacted anti-graffiti by-laws. The Lower Mainland Anti-Graffiti Task Force – representing the Vancouver Police Department and five local RCMP detachments – investigates infractions and sponsors community initiatives to wipe out graffiti.

So what can you do to prevent graffiti?

Report it. Take a picture and phone the Task Force. In Vancouver, victims can call the VPD’s non-emergency number (604-717-3321). If you see graffiti on another person’s property, phone 3-1-1.

Remove it. The best way to discourage graffiti vandals is by limiting their exposure. Paint over it as quickly as possible. See list of Lower Mainland commercial graffiti solutions.

Protect your walls. Commercial anti-graffiti coatings can make it easier to remove graffiti. If your wall becomes a target, the coating will save you removal time.

Promote art. Hire a real artist to paint a mural on your wall, before someone else spray-paints it for free.

Restrict access. Shrubs and vines can make it harder to target your wall. Add fences, gates and other barriers to discourage through traffic.

Improve security. Add lighting. Install security cameras. Step up patrols.

Controlling graffiti requires the support of an entire community. Organize neighbouring businesses and residents for a “Community Paint Out.” You will not only clean up walls, but build a sense of community. And that makes everyone safer.

More resources:

Author: Susanna Chu

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