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10 Camping Safety Tips

January 17th, 2023 | by admin admin | in Safety Advice |    0   comments

bear_camp.jpgVictoria Day marks the start of the summer camping season. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind as you leave Metro Vancouver for B.C.’s great outdoors.

1. Car. Take it into the mechanic for a complete safety check before leaving. Nothing is worse than breaking down in the middle of nowhere with no cell phone coverage. And don’t forget to adjust headrests properly.

2. Excessive speed. On an empty stretch of highway, it’s easy to pretend you’re on the Autobahn. Unfortunately, in B.C., speeding can cost you hundreds of dollars and the loss of your car. Watch out for speed zone changes near town limits and construction zones. You just know the police road checks will be out in full force.

3. Wildlife on road. Deer, moose and other wildlife love open highways too. Slow down, watch for movement and anticipate collisions. A deer frozen in your headlights is just as likely to lunge toward you as to run away. And hitting a moose could easily total your car. More tips (Wildlife Collision Prevention Program).

4. Bears. What bears like: food, fish, bait, cosmetics, toothpaste, insect repellent, garbage and other yummy smells. Keep your camp site clean and store these items safely out of reach. Use a bear cache, if available. Do NOT wipe your hands on your clothes, especially after handling fish. What bears don’t like: noise, people. Leave them alone! More tips (B.C. Parks).

5. Carbon monoxide. Leave camping stoves, space heaters and barbecues outside your tent. Keep extra blankets, clothes, flashlights and batteries inside your tent so that you’re not tempted to turn on appliances in an emergency. If you experience dizziness, nausea, headache or confusion, you may be suffering from CO poisoning. More tips (B.C. Safety Authority)

6. Campsite hazards. Check your campsite for glass, sharp objects, poison ivy, bees, ant beds and hazardous terrain.

7. Emergency preparedness. Bring a first aid kit and emergency survival supplies, including a snake bite kit, map, compass, GPS device, waterproof fire starter, knife, personal shelter, bug spray, thermal blanket and whistle.

8.  Weather. Check the weather forecast regularly and keep your clothes and gear dry.

9. Poison. Recognize poisonous mushrooms, poison ivy and other dangerous plants.

10. Buddy up. Never hike alone or wander off on your own. Let the rest of your group know where you are at all times and keep small children within reach at all times.

More tips (Okanagan Camping Safety Tips) 


Note: This blog discusses general safety and security topics. It is not intended to provide comprehensive advice or guidance. In all matters of personal safety and security, we encourage readers to research topics in depth and consult a security professional about specific concerns.

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