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Grandma Fell!

January 17th, 2023 | by admin admin | in Safety Advice |    18   comments

senior_fall.jpgDid you know that... falls are the most common cause of injury among seniors in British Columbia?

According to research compiled by BC Research and Injury Prevention Unit, each year more than 200,000 seniors in B.C. will experience one or more falls, resulting in more than 10,000 hospitalizations and more than 800 direct and indirect deaths.

It has also been shown that seniors with fall-related injuries tend to stay in hospital almost twice as long as seniors hospitalized for all other reasons.

Did you know that... one in three people over the age of 65 is likely to fall at least once each year?

That means you probably know someone who is likely to have a fall. And, if they do fall, it could

have dire consequences, such as chronic pain, loss of independence, loss of mobility and a reduced quality of life. In severe cases, a fall can lead to death. Research shows that 50 per cent of post -hip-fracture patients will not regain full mobility, requiring permanent use of a cane, walker or other mobility aid for walking.

Did you know that... fall-related hip fractures are less likely with seniors who live at home?

The rate of fall-related hip fractures is three times higher for rhe elderly who live in institutional/residential facilities. That means seniors who live at home or with family are less at risk of falling.

Tips for Seniors to Prevent a Fall

For seniors who live at home, consider three things:

1. Make their home fall proof by following these tips
2. Teach them how to get up safely after a fall. HealthLinkBC explains how
3. Consider a medical alarm with a panic button that seniors wear around the home. Our Radius Security
medical alarm is worn as a pendant, bracelet or belt clip. In an emergency, seniors press the panic
button which notifies our safety operators who then dispatch help to the home. Only $29.95 per month
Contact us for details.

More Info

Staying Independent: a brochure about fall prevention with an interactive tool to assess a person’s risk for a fall
BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit

Note: This blog discusses general safety and security topics. It is not intended to provide
comprehensive advice or guidance. In all matters of personal safety and security, we encourage
readers to research topics in depth and consult a security professional about specific concerns.
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