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Happy New Year! 9 Home Security Resolutions

December 31st, 2014 | by admin admin | in Security Advice |    0   comments


Break-ins. Chances are, over the holidays, thieves broke into the house or car of someone you know. How do you protect your property? Here are a few resolutions to make your home more secure:

1. Turn on the lights. Outside, bright lighting discourages break-and-enters. Inside, timers can make your house look occupied at all times.

2. Stay home--or at least, look like you’re home. If you’re away on vacation, arrange for someone to clear your sidewalks, lawn and mail. See Resolution #1.

3. Change up your schedule. Professional thieves will monitor a home before breaking in. The more unpredictable your schedule, the less likely you’ll be a victim.

4. Keep your car keys next to your bed at night. If you hear someone snooping around outside, press the panic button on your key fob.

5. Document your valuables. Just set aside a day and do it. Take pictures, record serial numbers, engrave identifiers. If they do get stolen, these precautions give you a much better chance of recovering them.

6. Get a monitored video alarm system. At least look into it. A security professional can confront an intruder over an audio or video feed, and notify police of a crime in progress. The chances of catching burglars after they've left are slim, even if you have security footage.

7. Lock up. It sounds obvious, but far too many thieves enter through unlocked doors and windows. Prevent a break-in by hardening the target.

8. Hide your stuff. Leaving spare keys, bags or anything else that looks valuable visible through the windows of your vehicle or home can invite a break-in.

9. Be friendly. Get to know your neighbours. Watch out for each other and keep up with the news. Burglars are likely to hit more than one home in a neighbourhood.


Note: This blog discusses general safety and security topics. It is not intended to provide comprehensive advice or guidance. In all matters of personal safety and security, we encourage readers to research topics in depth and consult a security professional about specific concerns.

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