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Log It or Lose It: Annual VPD Auction
April 29th, 2015 | by admin admin | in Security Advice | 2The Vancouver Police Department’s annual auction of recovered stolen goods starts this Saturday, May 2, at 9 a.m. On the preceding Thursday and Friday, you can preview the bikes, electronics, jewellery, clothing and much more on offer at Able Auctions (1055 Vernon Drive).
Better yet, if your property is there, you can claim it back. If you can prove it’s yours. How? By the serial number or photo in your records or the ID you engraved on the item. You do have records, don’t you?
Sadly, most people do not keep adequate records to identify their stolen property. As the VPD’s Log It or Lose It page points out, it’s important to provide a detailed list of stolen property to the police before the thief has a chance to dispose of the items.
Nobody wants to think about being a victim of a theft, but there are steps you can take to help prevent it. You can lock your doors and windows, secure your valuables, and engrave your property with your driver's licence or identification card number.
The VPD provides a free Log It or Lose It app and printed form to help you track your valuables. Take photos of jewelry, heirlooms and other items that have no serial numbers and can’t be engraved. Keep all the information in a spreadsheet or folder and make an extra copy.
The Vancouver Police also offers bike hangers at its headquarters (2120 Cambie Street) and community policing offices. Record your serial number on a hanger and keep it safe.
By keeping good records you can help catch a thief and recover your property. Or, you can bid on it on Saturday.
Note: This blog discusses general safety and security topics. It is not intended to provide comprehensive advice or guidance. In all matters of personal safety and security, we encourage readers to research topics in depth and consult a security professional about specific concerns.
Radius Security Vancouver, West Vancouver, North Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster, Richmond, Surrey, Langley, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Ladner, Delta, Tsawwassen