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Staying Safe and Sane on Your Road Trip

August 7th, 2013 | by admin admin | in Safety Advice |    0   comments

road_trip.jpgReady for that last road trip of the summer? Perhaps you’ve already heard all the messages about drinking, doping, texting etc. and driving. Of course you wouldn’t do that. You’re responsible. After all, you just honked at that crazy driver who turned left in front of you while tapping on his cell.

But even the most responsible driver could use a few reminders.

1. Plan ahead. Get your car or RV checked. Pick up a paper map to back up your GPS. If your activities involve alcohol, make sure you have a designated driver. Keep tabs on weather and road conditions en route.

2. Slow Down. Plan rest breaks. Stop for quirky attractions. Don’t tailgate. Driving 15 hours straight is asking for trouble--especially if you have kids in your car. You’ll see more and scream less if you allow more time.

3. Get enough rest. See #2. Exhausted drivers are impaired drivers. Far too many crashes are caused by drivers nodding off at the wheel.

4. Minimize distractions. This goes beyond putting away the cell phone. Eating, checking your GPS and refereeing the kids can all distract you long enough to cause an accident. You’ll find some ideas for travelling with children here. Plus some solid advice here.

5. Lower your expectations. Don’t assume you’ll be miserable, but expect the unexpected. Stuff happens. You miss a turn. A kid throws up. A moose charges your car. A tanker explodes in flames on the highway causing a four-hour traffic jam. The worst flooding in a century devastates your destination city and traps you at your resort. Cope.

So, relax, plug in an audio book and enjoy the road less travelled.


ICBC’s Tips for the Last Long Weekend of Summer

24 Mom-Tested Tips for Road Trips with Kids


Note: This blog discusses general safety and security topics. It is not intended to provide comprehensive advice or guidance. In all matters of personal safety and security, we encourage readers to research topics in depth and consult a security professional about specific concerns.

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